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B.C. promotes breastfeeding for infants in government care after court ruling

August 29, 2018

The Ministry of Children and Family development has committed to an action plan in response to court rulings in favour of Huu-ay-aht First Nations represented by Ratcliff & Company. The plan is part of a joint special report by the Ministry and the Representative for Children and Youth, released Aug. 29, 2018. The joint report was initiated after, in spring 2018, the B.C. Supreme Court ordered MCFD to increase a mother’s access to her infant for breastfeeding and bonding, and a provincial court ruled that MCFD had not adequately considered the supports that were available in the mother’s First Nations community to keep the family together. The plan identifies clear actions government will take to support vulnerable women and their infants, to keep mothers and infants together, including consideration of the supporting role of extended family and communities.

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Key Contacts
Melinda Skeels | Aboriginal Law